1,141 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Targeted cortical reorganization using optogenetics in non-human primates

    Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad, Daniel B Silversmith ... Philip N Sabes
    Focal optogenetic stimulation strengthens functional connectivity between primary somatosensory and motor cortices in macaques, in a manner consistent with a Hebbian model of stimulus-driven plasticity.
    1. Cell Biology

    Opto-RhoGEFs, an optimized optogenetic toolbox to reversibly control Rho GTPase activity on a global to subcellular scale, enabling precise control over vascular endothelial barrier strength

    Eike K Mahlandt, Sebastián Palacios Martínez ... Joachim Goedhart
    Optogenetic activation of Rho GTPases provides spatiotemporal control over endothelial cell shape and enables control over endothelial barrier function by manipulating the cell-cell overlap with blue light.
    1. Neuroscience

    Optogenetic inhibition-mediated activity-dependent modification of CA1 pyramidal-interneuron connections during behavior

    Igor Gridchyn, Philipp Schoenenberger ... Jozsef Csicsvari
    The optogenetic manipulation of hippocampal neuronal circuit activity revealed plastic changes of pyramidal-interneuron connections in behaving animals, which were primarily governed by the firing rate change of postsynaptic interneurons.
    1. Cell Biology

    Nanobody-directed targeting of optogenetic tools to study signaling in the primary cilium

    Jan N Hansen, Fabian Kaiser ... Dagmar Wachten
    Trafficking of optogenetic tools to primary cilia using nanobodies allows to study cAMP signaling with spatial and temporal resolution independent of the cell body.
    1. Neuroscience

    Spatiotemporally precise optogenetic activation of sensory neurons in freely walking Drosophila

    Brian D DeAngelis, Jacob A Zavatone-Veth ... Damon A Clark
    A simple, computationally efficient method provides spatiotemporally precise optogenetic perturbations in freely walking Drosophila, revealing the asymmetries and region-specificity of behavioral programs evoked by activating mechanosensory and chemosensory neurons.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synaptic connectivity to L2/3 of primary visual cortex measured by two-photon optogenetic stimulation

    Travis A Hage, Alice Bosma-Moody ... Gabe J Murphy
    A combination of multicellular recording and optogenetic photostimulation was used to deeply characterize the spatial profiles and effective strengths of intralaminar and translaminar synaptic connections from genetically defined neuronal populations in the visual cortex of adult mouse.
    1. Neuroscience

    Optogenetic activation of visual thalamus generates artificial visual percepts

    Jing Wang, Hamid Azimi ... Gregor Rainer
    The visual thalamus is a promising target for neural prosthetic intervention aimed at the restoration of visual function.
    1. Neuroscience

    Transient inhibition and long-term facilitation of locomotion by phasic optogenetic activation of serotonin neurons

    Patrícia A Correia, Eran Lottem ... Zachary F Mainen
    Phasic activation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons transiently inhibits locomotion without influencing anxiety or producing reinforcement, but when repeated over many days a long-term facilitation of locomotion is produced.
    1. Neuroscience

    Double-μPeriscope, a tool for multilayer optical recordings, optogenetic stimulations or both

    Mototaka Suzuki, Jaan Aru, Matthew E Larkum
    Interactions between near but distinct (<1 mm) structures such as cortical layers in the rodent brain can be studied by a new micro-optical tool that is low-cost and capable of multilayer optical recordings, optogenetic stimulations, or both.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Near-infrared photoactivatable control of Ca2+ signaling and optogenetic immunomodulation

    Lian He, Yuanwei Zhang ... Yubin Zhou
    A near-infrared light-stimulable optogenetic platform enables remote and wireless manipulation of calcium signaling and immune responses both in vitro and in vivo to achieve tailored function.

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